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Visitors 120
49 photos

Taken at the Heron Rookery located between 290 and Jewett Road in Sterling, Massachusetts.
Great Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron with YoungGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron with YoungGreat Blue Heron with YoungGreat Blue Heron with YoungGreat Blue Heron

Guestbook for 2009/05/16 Jewett Road, Sterling, MA
Cool pics. I just went over there today and saw about 5 of them chilling, sometimes flying around. Also saw a bunch of Canada geese swimming around the water. I never knew there were herons were over there and I've lived in Sterling for 25 years. Anyways, thanks for sharing!
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