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Visitors 71
38 photos

Taken at the Heronry off Carter Field Road in North Andover, Massachusetts. I visited this magnificent Heronry with Rich Johnson and Dale Martin. We counted 95 nests, at least 92 with young! This link is to a Google Map showing its location.

We went in the morning making photography difficult as all the nests were severely back-lit; the afternoon should be much better for photography. All of the nests are 450+ feet away so a scope is required for good looks.
Great Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronNorthern FlickerNorthern FlickerNorthern FlickerNorthern FlickerNorthern FlickerNorthern FlickerGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron